Oral hygiene
Most of people do not know exactly that beside the regular dental control what necessary is to maintain the sufficient oral hygiene. Choosing the correct toothbrush, brushing the teeth the correct way, using dental floss, mouth wash, oral irrigator are all important, but unfortunately not widespread.
Ask for our professional advice!
Tooth filling
By tooth filling the original condition and shape of a decayed tooth can be restored. First the dentist removes the decayed parts, clears the place and fills the clear cavity. Thanks to the modern technologies it is a painless procedure.
Amalgam or aesthetic filling?
Amalgam filling is widespread, fast and easy to make; a long standing filling material. At the same time it is not aesthetic, conductive and – in some opinion- it can be toxicant. Aesthetic fillings are made of artificial materials. This filling fits perfectly in color and in material to the teeth. Change your amalgam now on introduction price!
Parodontology deals with diagnosing and treating periodontal disease. 70% of the adult population is involved in these kind of problems (such as gingivitis, gum bleeding, pyorrhea etc). Non-treated periodontal problems lead to loosing teeth. Oral hygiene, eating habits, smoking and alcohol increase the development of these problems. Fortunately periodontal diseases in inchoative stage can be easily treated. Ask for a consultation with a specialist!
H-9200 Mosonmagyaróvár
Bástya street 12.
1th floor
(behind the City Hall)